Saturday, May 31, 2014

May Goals Update

It is time to share the progress made or not made on my May Goals. Back at the beginning of the month I linked up with the Fiber of All Sort's A Lovely Year of Finishes.  I was #27 on the May Goal Setting list.

I did not have as much time to sew in May as I would have liked. My middle daughter graduated from high school and I always end up putting in more time into work at the end of the school year, which left me with very little sewing time.  In fact, I hardly got anything done until the very last week of May.

Anyway, I had three goals that I wanted to accomplish in May and I accomplished one, made quite a bit of progress on one, and barely touched the other.

1.   Finish Goldie's Fading Charms Memory quilt - DONE!
Blogged about hereherehere, and here.

2. Finish June baby boy quilt - ALMOST DONE
This quilt is now being called the Monster Polka.  It is literally less than an hour from being done.  I only have a little bit of binding left to hand sew in place.  

3. Finish the Giraffe Crossing Tumbler - NOT DONE
Blogged about here and here.

This is for my friend who is due to have a baby any day now.  As The Princess stated earlier today, "Mom, she is ready to pop!"  I think I am stuck on this one because I want to applique giraffes to it and applique is not something I have done much of.

Linking up with:
Fiber of All Sorts

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Goldie's Memory Quilt

I have finally completed Goldie's Memory Quilt.  I wanted to have it finished for her high school graduation which was this past Sunday, but I didn't quite make it.  I was close though!   I started cutting the 2 1/2" squares last summer and the great majority of it was pieced throughout the year as leaders and enders.  All 846 squares were cut from leftover fabric I used to make her clothing over the years.

I got the pattern from Wedding Dress Blue. I used Free Spirit Designer Solids in Nugray as the background. I thought the gray background would be a good neutralizer (Is that a word?) for the busyness of all the uncoordinating fabrics. The back is pieced somewhat randomly. Either I didn't plan for enough fabric for the backing or I cut it wrong. Since I didn't have enough, I pieced together smaller pieces using leftover squares.

I quilted it with straight diagonal lines. I like straight lines in quilts. It might just be because I am afraid of free quilting, but I really did feel straight lines worked best with this quilt.

Anyway, it's done and I love it! Hopefully, Goldie will love it too!

Linking up with:

May Finishes

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

WIP Wednesday - The end is in sight.

This is the first WIP Wednesday I've been able to post during May.  I am happy to report that I am finally getting some quilting done.  May has been a very busy month for us and it has finally slowed down.

This week I've been working on my daughter's memory quilt.  You can read more about the quilt here, here, and here.  The quilt is made of leftover scraps from the clothes I made for her over the years.  Anyway, I finally got it sandwiched and have been quilting away.  I hope to finish it completely by Friday.  My daughter has been waiting (not very patiently) for it for some time.

I will be linking up with:
Lee from Freshly Pieced
Esther from Esther's Blog
Lorna from Sew Fresh Quilts
Gemma from Pretty Bobbins

Friday, May 2, 2014

May Goals

My goals for May include:

1. Finish the Giraffe Crossing Tumbler for my friend who is due to have a baby this month.

The quilt is pieced, however, I want to applique two giraffes to the front.  Then it needs to be sandwiched, quilted, and bound.

2.   Finish Goldie's Fading Charms Memory quilt.

This quilt is pieced, but it stills needs to be sandwiched, quilted, and bound.

3. Finish June baby boy quilt - this needs to be completed from start to finish.

May is a busy month (end of the school year, I'm taking a class online, and Goldie's graduation party at the end of the month).  However, I am hopeful I will be reporting all three finishes at the end of this month.  Wish me luck!

Linking up with:
Fiber of All Sorts
Fort Worth Fabric Studio

Thursday, May 1, 2014

April Goals Accomplished

I had three goals I wanted to accomplish in April.

1.  Finish the April baby boy quilt. DONE!

Blogged about here, here, and here.

2. Piece and sandwich the May baby quilt. - NOT DONE
This ended being two baby quilts.  One in case they have a boy and the other in case they have a girl.  The girl quilt is complete. 

Blogged about here and here.

 However, the boy quilt is pieced and waiting for me to applique two giraffes to it.  I am kind of hung up on it because I haven't appliqued in over fifteen years.  

Blogged about here and here.

3. Finish piecing Goldie's Fading Charms quilt. DONE!

Blogged about here and here.

I only completed two of my three goals.  But, I did completely finish two quilts in April.  Even though I didn't reach all of my goals, that is something to be proud of!