Wednesday, November 20, 2013

When Can You Call Yourself a Quilter?

When are you officially considered a quilter?  When you finish your first quilt, your second quilt, or when you have more than three quilting projects going and a dozen more running around in your head?  When I said I was going to start quilting, Goldie asked me, "Mom, what makes you think you can quilt?"  I answered, "Because I want to."

So here are the projects I have going on right now (all of them works in progress, not one near being finished).  These are not listed in any particular order.

1.  Goldie's quilt

2. The Princess's Jelly Roll Jam quilt

3. Star Surround Quilt-a-Long for my bed

4. Quilty Fun Sew-a-Long (I am current on this, just need to complete this week's courthouse steps blocks.)

5. Super-Sized Nine Patch baby quilts

6. The Princess's Innkeeper's costume for her part in The Mystery of Simon Shepherd

The only project that has a distinct deadline is the Innkeeper's costume.  The musical is December 4, but they are performing it for the local nursing home next Tuesday.  It's a really simple pattern, but since it has a deadline, it is the last thing I want to work on.  It's a real problem.

WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced


  1. Good question--I think you can call yourself a quilter from the very beginning. You said it best when you said "Because I want to."

    To organize my WIP, I finally created a separate page on my blog listing all of them. It really helped me SEE all the projects I had in progress, what still needs to be done, etc. It also helped me prioritize my projects. I liked seeing your WIPs! Thanks for sharing them with us.

  2. I love your attitude! You are my kind of quilter, Cathy!
