Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Finally Back to Sewing/ 350 Blocks Project Update

I love to sew!!!  The beginning of this year has been so busy I hand not sewn one single stitch since before Christmas.  My classes and work kept me busy during the week and the weekends were filled with basketball tournaments, volleyball tournaments, and show choir.  All of these tend to be day long events and when you live in rural Iowa, they are hardly ever held close to home.

I was very excited to get back into sewing and quilting during March.  My current classes were finished in mid March and amazingly so was basketball, volleyball, and show choir.  I feel free!  It will not be long lived however, a new quarter starts Monday and soccer practice has officially started.  I've got to take advantage of the time while I have it.

I spent the past few weeks working on a baby quilt for a little boy that's due to arrive any day now.  I used the pattern Cowboy Baby from the book Material Obsession.  I love the colors and I think pinwheels are my new favorite block. I have it all pieced and ready to be quilted.

Pinwheel block

I have also been busy catching up on the Quilty Fun Sew Along that started last fall.  I was way behind, but am now caught up to where I should be.  This is the last week and I am excited that I have caught up with everyone else.

A few of the Quilty Fun blocks I have sewn this month.

In order to motivate myself, I joined the 2014 350 Blocks Project.  The idea is to try and piece 350 blocks this year.  Considering I didn't join until the middle of March, I feel I am off to a good start.  The baby quilt had 20 blocks.  I am counting 20 blocks for the Quilty Fun Sew Along.  I am also in the midst of piecing a quilt for my daughter that is graduating from high school at the end of May.  I can add 20 blocks to my total for that quilt as well.

Partially pieced top from Goldie's memory quilt.

That brings my grand total to 60 blocks.  WOW!  I didn't realize I had done that much sewing lately.  It feels good.

Linking up to:
