Wednesday, April 9, 2014

WIP - Almost Done!

I have almost finished the quilting for the April baby quilt.  It's a good thing too, since the baby I'm quilting for arrived early Sunday morning.  His name is Leo and both he and his mom are doing great.

I am hoping to finish the quilting tonight and spend tomorrow sewing the binding on.  I love hand sewing the binding!  It's one of my favorite parts of the quilting process.  I don't know if that's because it is almost done or because it's hard to mess it up.  I've never had to use my seam ripper on a binding.

I took a break from quilting this afternoon to do a little work on my May baby quilt.  I am trying to make a unisex quilt (they didn't want to find out the baby's gender).  However, I am pretty sure this is a boy's quilt.  I might have to make a girl's quilt just in case.

Anyway, I spent some time laying out the quilt to see how I wanted to sew the blocks together.  I finally found an arrangement I was pleased with. 

Do you like my design wall?  We also use it as our kitchen table.  Someday, I will have my own sewing space and it will be wonderful!

I will be linking up with:

Lee from Freshly Pieced
Esther from Esther's Blog
Gemma from Pretty Bobbins
Kelly at My Quilt Infatuation


  1. I love tumbler quilts and yours is going to be great! Love the fabrics! I love handsewing bindings too.

  2. I love tumblers too. This will be adorable. I have had my eye on that fabric line :)

  3. Cute quilt - your design wall's one step higher than mine, mine's the floor but that's apartment living for you! Dropped by from IQuilt :D

  4. Sounds like you have been very productive! I too am making a baby quilt and can't decide on layout!! Would love your input! I am lucky enough to have a sewing space but no design wall, so I use the games table!!

  5. I don't think the quilt looks to "boy". It sort of depends on the parents. If the mum is the type to dress a child in very "girly" things, then maybe yes its too "boy". Otherwise don't worry. Sewing binding is great - lovely relaxing pastime.
    PS My design wall is the floor too, even though I have a dedicated sewing space! My kitchen table is too small :-)

  6. I love hand sewing the binding, too! It feels like you have really accomplished something!
