Saturday, May 31, 2014

May Goals Update

It is time to share the progress made or not made on my May Goals. Back at the beginning of the month I linked up with the Fiber of All Sort's A Lovely Year of Finishes.  I was #27 on the May Goal Setting list.

I did not have as much time to sew in May as I would have liked. My middle daughter graduated from high school and I always end up putting in more time into work at the end of the school year, which left me with very little sewing time.  In fact, I hardly got anything done until the very last week of May.

Anyway, I had three goals that I wanted to accomplish in May and I accomplished one, made quite a bit of progress on one, and barely touched the other.

1.   Finish Goldie's Fading Charms Memory quilt - DONE!
Blogged about hereherehere, and here.

2. Finish June baby boy quilt - ALMOST DONE
This quilt is now being called the Monster Polka.  It is literally less than an hour from being done.  I only have a little bit of binding left to hand sew in place.  

3. Finish the Giraffe Crossing Tumbler - NOT DONE
Blogged about here and here.

This is for my friend who is due to have a baby any day now.  As The Princess stated earlier today, "Mom, she is ready to pop!"  I think I am stuck on this one because I want to applique giraffes to it and applique is not something I have done much of.

Linking up with:
Fiber of All Sorts


  1. well I think you've done great on your goals! Please don't be scared to try applique. it's really not difficult at all, you'll be fine!

  2. Thanks! I have already completed it and you're right it's not that difficult.
